William M. Usdane Award

Lysander Jones

When: 2021
Where: Great Lakes, Illinois
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Lysander Jones


Lysander, known for his exceptional work ethic and positive attitude, holds the record for the highest ratings among janitors at Goodwill since 2014, making a profound impact on those around him.

The Full Story

Among Jones’s many accomplishments during his tenure with Goodwill, his attendance record for most consecutive scheduled workdays—500 shifts without missing a day—is a record that no other employee has come close to reaching.

Lysander is always ready to work, finding cleaning tasks to do that go above and beyond his assigned duties. It would be easy to assume this reason alone is why he has consistently received the highest ratings of any janitor on staff since he took on the role in 2014. However, behind his exceptional work ethic is an exceptional individual—someone who is kind, honest, and respectful, approaching every task with a fantastic attitude, making a profound impact on those around him.