Business Development
QWE Practice Guideline: 122 – Use a business development approach that balances revenue, job creation, and pay potential
Target group: Any organization supporting and/or employing individuals with disabilities
Practice Description
Establish a business development plan focused on new job creation
Resources Needed
Subject matter experts/trainers
- Staff or consultant to research and develop the business plan, keeping it aligned with organizational strategic goals
Labor hours
- Time for staff to support developing the business development plan and implementing the plan
Implementation Process
- Connect with internal Business Development Department (or consultant) and assess current challenges faced in relation to job creation
- Consider internal and external factors, current economic trends, the skills set of the current workforce
- Develop a plan to connect with businesses in the community and assess job opportunities
- Develop a plan to evaluate staff ability and skill levels, update resumes, practice interviewing skills, and practice job search skills
- Implement plan and assess for needed changes to ensure alignment with employer and staff needs
- SOPs
- Policies and procedures for contacting and partnering with businesses, assessing job opportunities and staff abilities
- Training
- Based on staff ability evaluations, offer appropriate trainings to enhance skill levels
- Goal of 10% increase in new jobs was established as part of the business development plan
NPA: Challenge Unlimited, Inc. Location: Alton, IL Date Submitted: 2018 Website: