CARF and Baldrige - Combining Quality Frameworks
QWE Practice Guideline: 121: Progressive – Utilize a quality framework that covers leadership/governance, strategic planning, legal/risk management, safety, health, human resources, operations, etc.
Target group: Any organization employing or supporting individuals with disabilities
Practice Description
To uphold a successful business model, United Cerebral Palsy Land of Lincoln (UPCLL) sought a quality framework that would complement their CARF accreditation and help guide the organization’s business practices. Baldrige Performance Excellence was the chosen program.
Resources Needed
Subject matter experts/trainers
- Consultants with expertise in CARF and Baldrige programs
- Staff on hand as subject matter experts to help manage and implement programs
Labor hours
- Staff time for training, implementation, and ongoing management of programs
- Fees associated with programs
Implementation Process
- UPCLL started by determining the criteria they wanted the complimentary program to meet, Baldrige provided
- A systematic process to accomplish the work of the organization
- Collects pertinent information and data about the effectiveness of the processes
- Uses the information gathered to drive positive change
- A compatible intent of the CARF standards
- Community focus groups and employee teams were established to apply Baldrige criteria alongside the CARF standards
- Groups and teams complete self-assessments, develop and implements process improvement plans, collect data, and analyze results.
- SOPs
- Processes and procedures for training, implementing, and managing both programs
- Data tracking and analysis
- Monitoring of improvements
- Processes and procedures for training, implementing, and managing both programs
- Implemented process improvements include
- Strategic framework focused on social impact
- Employee Passports built around goal creation and achievement
- Lean Principles
- Extensive data collection system
- Impact on staff and customers includes
- 17% increase for individuals achieving personal outcomes
- Non-state revenue increased 13%
- Customer rating increased 19%
- Employee turnover decreased by 43%
- Full practice accessible via CARF
NPA: United Cerebral Palsy Land of Lincoln Location: Springfield, IL Date Submitted: Practice submitted by United Cerebral Palsy Land of Lincoln to the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) Employment and Community Services Promising Practices Newsletter. Website: