External Safety Inspections

QWE Practice Guideline: 420: Provide a healthy and safe environment

Target group: All organizations that employ persons with disabilities

Practice Description

Crossroads Industrial Services (CIS) has an external safety program that includes regular inspections by INSafe, a division of the Indiana Department of Labor that works with organizations and corporations to ensure workplace health and safety.

Resources Needed

Subject matter experts/trainers

  • Trained safety staff and third-party organizations


  • Safety equipment required by OSHA, contracts, and any other standards

Implementation Process

  • INSafe is a division of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
  • Inspections are held at Crossroads every two years.
  • On a recent visit, the inspector made special note of the CIS forklift inspection check sheet as a best practice because it is completed daily.


  • Using INSafe helps CIS proactively ensure that they are exceeding OSHA standards to provide a safe work environment for employees with significant disabilities.

NPA: Crossroads Industrial Services
Location: Indianapolis, IN
Date Submitted: 2011
Website: https://www.crossroadsindustrialservices.com/
