Resilient PWD Text Campaign

QWE Practice Guideline: 420: Provide a healthy and safe environment

Target group: Any organization employing individuals with disabilities

Practice Description

National Disability Institute (NDI) launched the #ResilientPwD text messaging campaign to deliver information, tips and interventions to people with disabilities and chronic health conditions. The texts, which are available by signing up for a free subscription, will be sent two times per week and are intended to help combat stress and feelings of isolation, build positive thinking, and establish new behavior patterns that promote emotional well-being and financial resilience.

Messaging is research based and vetted by a group of select individuals with diverse disabilities and chronic conditions. This content will equip people with disabilities and chronic conditions, offline and online, with new tools to reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, isolation, and hopelessness during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Resources Needed

  • Staff and resources to make campaign information available
  • Cellular phone with text capability (no data/internet required)

Implementation Process

NPA: National Disability Institute
Location: Washington, D.C.
Date Submitted: 2020
