Grassroots Advocacy Conference
Our nation’s workforce is more successful, more productive, and more innovative when people of all abilities participate. SourceAmerica's Grassroots Advocacy Conference provides a platform for employees with disabilities to share this message and their stories with key policymakers.
The 2024 Grassroots Advocacy Conference will take place September 9-12, 2024 in Washington, D.C.
Conference attendance is by invitation-only for a self-advocate, a family member or support person, and a representative from an AbilityOne® producing nonprofit. Together, they will form a three-person advocacy team.
How It Works

During this annual event, policy experts, nonprofit leaders, employees with disabilities, and their families discuss the issues that affect employment opportunities for people with disabilities.

Invitees are given the tools and training they need to personalize and deliver their message about how policy made in Washington shapes employment choices and opportunities for people with disabilities across our nation.

Self-advocates then go to Capitol Hill to meet with policymakers and their staff to share their employment stories and advocate for better employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
Mark your calendar!

September 9-12
Grassroots Advocacy Conference
All Day

September 11SourceAmerica Disability Employment Educational Fair