Q&A with Dennis Hightower, Business Intelligence SME

By SourceAmerica Communications 06/07/2022
2022 Q&A Accountability with Dennis Hightower

Hightower shares why accountability is one of our most integral values

Accountability is one of SourceAmerica's core values. We define it as "honor[ing] our commitments to each other, our customers, and the people we serve." At SourceAmerica, we find it important to hold ourselves accountable so we can best provide the best service to our own team members, federal customers, nonprofit agencies, and people with disabilities

Dennis Hightower, SourceAmerica Business Intelligence Subject Matter Expert, shared his thoughts on accountability and our other values!

Q. What does accountability mean to you?
A. I think accountability is results-focused; you take ownership of the results that you produce. If something has gone wrong, and you're responsible, then apologize. Accountability requires collaboration, communication, and understanding the nature of objective. It breeds trust among individuals and teams. It allows people to count on each other or feel comfortable enough to approach a co-worker or manager for help.

Q. How are you a force for accountability?
A. My role is in reporting alongside the eminent 'ever ready battery' Eric Jacobson, SourceAmerica business intelligence manager. We continue to update and inform teams and departments about new reports or changes in reporting. Our reports provide time-saving measures and better efficiency. So, you can do your job easier and more efficiently. We use analytics to help us see insights and meaningful data that we might not otherwise detect. We are very concerned with data integrity. We monitor and analyze data daily to ensured consistency. We use the cleanest data possible for our charts, graphs, reports, and dashboards.

Q. How do you encourage others to be a force for accountability?
A. I encourage individuals and teams to reach out to me if there are questions or concerns with reports or their reporting needs. I conduct follow-ups to ensure that their requirements are met. We encourage feedback on how we can make it better.

Q. Which other SourceAmerica value resonates with you?
A. Integrity describes an individual who makes the choice to commit to honesty before he or she is faced with choosing between right and wrong. Without integrity and accountability in the workplace, the culture within the company is at risk for poor organizational development.

Read more Q&As with SourceAmerica team members! In February we focused on passion, March was all about collaboration, April highlighted inclusion, and May zeroed in on integrity.