SourceAmerica nonprofit agencies support award-winning food service operations

By Tatiana Peralta 03/19/2021
SourceAmerica nonprofit agencies support award-winning food service operations

People with disabilities working through the AbilityOne® Program, one of the largest sources of employment for people who are blind or have significant disabilities, provide food services for various military bases across the country. This essential workforce has continued to support these installations throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

A select few Navy bases were recently awarded the 2021 Captain Edward F. Ney Memorial Award for food-service excellence. This annual recognition was designed to improve food-service operations, recognize the best general messes in the Navy, and improve the quality of life for Navy personnel. Two of these award recipients are supported by individuals with disabilities working for nonprofit organizations within the SourceAmerica network.

SourceAmerica congratulates the talented individuals hired by Skookum Educational Programs and Community Alternatives, Inc. to work at Trident Inn, Naval Base Kitsap in Washington State (West Coast) and the Joint Expeditionary Base in Little Creek, Virginia (East Coast). The efforts of these employees managing the food service operations helped both bases secure the General Mess category awards for their respective locations.

“Skookum is honored to serve the Sailors and Marines of Naval Base Kitsap in support of their mission of strategic deterrence in the Pacific. We appreciate the trust the Navy has shown in Skookum and we value their partnership on this critical contract,” said Jeff Dolven, President and CEO of Skookum.

Since its inception in 1958, the award has been given to galleys which earned a five-star rating from a United States Navy evaluation team. Since 1999, the process was amended to include a one-day surprise inspection conducted by senior Navy mess-management specialists and members of the International Food Service Executives Association.

To learn more about the award click here. To learn more about how you can employ talented individuals with disabilities at your organization, contact