Defense Construction Supply Center

The Defense Construction Supply Center (DCSC) received this award for its consistent support of JWOD goals, active involvement in NISH conferences (now SourceAmerica), and efforts to facilitate procurement opportunities for Work Centers employing people with disabilities. DCSC's collaboration has resulted in valuable contracts, like the one awarded to Phoenix Industries, creating significant employment and financial benefits.
The Full Story
Each year NISH (now SourceAmerica) presents an award to a government agency which has taken a significant and active role in implementing the Javits-Wagner-O’Day Program. This year NISH is pleased to present the 1984 Government Award to the Defense Construction Supply Center (DCSC). The Center has demonstrated strong and consistent support of the goals of the JWOD Act.
Working with the NISH National and Regional offices and with the Work Center community, DCSC’s procurement officials make certain they understand the current capabilities of individual Work Centers. They use that knowledge to help the Work Centers to identify items for possible addition to the Procurement List. Once an item is identified, DCSC personnel work closely with Work Center staff to monitor the development of the item and assist in the resolution of any technical difficulties. Offering assistance whenever it is needed, DCSC officials understand the significance of employment in the lives of people with disabilities and the kinds of adjustments to their needs Work Center personnel must frequently make.
DCSC personnel actively participate in NISH conferences and training programs. They also work internally within the Federal Procurement fold to spread the good word about Work Center successes to other Federal procurement officials. Often DCSC goes out of its way to assist Work Centers and people with disabilities. Staff members make personal visits to Work Centers to assess capabilities. Samples of items are made available to the Work Center so they can test the feasibility of manufacturing an item.
DCSC set-asides are valued by the Work Center community. They mean big business. In FY84 Phoenix Industries of Huntsville, Alabama received one of these awards. Phoenix won a JWOD contract to manufacture drinking water storage bags. The set-aside provided jobs to 14 people with disabilities and will generate over $700,000 annually for the Work Center. And that was only the start! Expectations for future years are high. Items for addition to the Procurement List are pending, and with the kind of interest DCSC demonstrates, it won’t be long before they’re approved.
In offering its unstinting support to the JWOD Program, the Defense Construction Supply Center is strong proof that the Federal government and Work Centers can forge a partnership that benefits both organizations. Leadership within DCSC in supporting the JWOD Program and efforts to identify contracts Work Centers can handle have been outstanding. We congratulate our 1984 Government Award winner!