Lisa Doell

Lisa Doell, who faced challenges from two cerebral aneurysms, depression, anxiety, and agoraphobia, started each day by greeting her co-workers, using this routine to overcome her fears. Her dedication and positive attitude made her a top contributor at VGS, Inc., excelling as a sewing machine operator and embodying the spirit of perseverance, earning her the William M. Usdane Memorial Award.
The Full Story
Lisa Doell starts each workday by walking around and individually greeting all her co-workers in the Power Sewing Division of VGS, Inc. One would never guess, but Lisa’s daily greeting is much more than a purely social act. It is an important coping technique she employs for overcoming one of the many obstacles she faces in leading an independent and productive life.
Two cerebral aneurysms and subsequent brain surgery eroded Lisa’s short-term memory and other neural functions. She has depression, anxiety, and agoraphobia—an irrational fear of public or open spaces. Due to her aversion to open spaces and crowds, Lisa’s morning routine of greeting each of her co-workers is her way of starting the day by facing down one of her greatest fears.
Lisa attacks other challenges with the same “can do” attitude. She combats her short-term memory disability by taking notes to record and retain information and asking for instruction when needed. Today, she works in a public area at VGS with other colleagues and excels as a sewing machine operator—making women’s dress slacks, skirts, and insect-repellent tents for the Armed Forces. She has succeeded by putting aside her apprehensions, maintaining a positive attitude, and continually expressing a desire to learn new skills. Lisa is now one of the top contributors in her division. Her expertise is a testament to her ability and spirit.
Lisa’s dedication and work ethic have allowed her to thrive in an environment where consistent change of procedures and techniques is the norm. Her versatility and positive enforcement have created an encouraging atmosphere that is contagious to both co-workers and supervisors. She communicates immediately to resolve any issue. She takes responsibility for her actions and repeatedly takes the initiative to ensure her assignments are completed correctly and on time. Also, she shows resourcefulness by working in other departments when pressing deadlines require extra help.
The JWOD Program at VGS has enabled Lisa to become a valued employee. Without this program, few would know that Lisa is a wonderful person and a skilled worker. She is a living example of the notion that “the only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.”
Lisa says, “The lord has given each of us a gift—mine is the gift of help.” That vision guides all aspects of her life. Outside of work, she is always ready to lend a helping hand. She says she enjoys “behind the scenes” work because she believes this is where her assistance matters most. She cares for the children of parishioners during services at her church. Additionally, she frequently visits a nursing home for the elderly where she mends articles of clothing and treats residents to manicures and pedicures. Lisa has distinguished herself within the JWOD Program by always giving her best in every activity.
NISH (now SourceAmerica) congratulates Lisa for her hard work in overcoming circumstances that would have discouraged others. NISH applauds her continued climb on the ladder to success and is pleased to present to her the William M. Usdane Memorial Award as confirmation of her achievements.