U.S. Naval Supply Systems Command

The Command was recognized for creating diverse job opportunities for people with disabilities through commissary shelf-stocking contracts, resulting in 22 new contracts worth over $2 million. This generated employment for nearly 250 people with disabilities, and provided benefits that enhance their quality of life.
The Full Story
Each year NISH (now SourceAmerica) presents an award to a government agency which has taken a significant and active role in the Javits-Wagner-O’Day Program. This year NISH is pleased to present the 1983 Government Award to the U.S. Naval Supply Systems Command. This Command was singled out for the award in recognition of the new and diversified job opportunities for people with disabilities made available through a number of commissary shelf-stocking contracts.
What is particularly significant about these contracts is that the Naval Supply Systems Command took such an active role in the research and development process. Knowledgeable about the JWOD Act and the benefits it offers people with disabilities, the Command worked internally with their procurement agents to identify new contracting opportunities that Work Centers would be able to manage well. As shelf-stocking operations were prepared to be contracted out, the Command asked NISH to identify Work Centers located near the commissaries interested in the work. Subsequently, the Command’s contracting officers assisted the Work Centers to develop work standards and assure a smooth transition into the assignments.
During FY83, 22 new contracts for commissary shelf stocking were awarded to Work Centers. The total dollar value of the contracts exceeded $2 million. The contracts provided 139 job stations generating employment for nearly 250 people with disabilities. All of these contracts provided fringe benefit packages to employees. The fringe benefits of health insurance and paid holiday and vacation time will make it possible for many of these employees to live more normal lives. In addition, the training and experience in shelf stocking are job skills that are directly transferable to the private sector. Many Work Center employees may be ready to expand their horizons after initial training on the Navy contracts.
In generating these contract opportunities, the Naval Supply Systems Command has demonstrated that the federal government and Work Centers can forge a partnership that benefits both organizations. Leadership within the agency in supporting and explaining the JWOD Program to the Navy staff, and efforts to identify contracts Work Centers could handle successfully have been outstanding. We congratulate our 1983 Government Award winner!