Cooperative Agreement
CA (Contracting Activity)
1. Contracting Activity - Any element of an entity of the government that has responsibility for identifying and/or procuring government requirements for products or services. 2. State of California
Commercial Activity/Government Entity Code
Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities: An independent, nonprofit organization focused on advancing the quality of services to meet the needs for the best possible outcomes for recipients of rehabilitation services.
Collective Bargaining Agreement: Written, legally enforceable contract for a specified period (usually one year), between the management of an organization and its employees represented by an independent trade union. It sets down and defines conditions of employment (wages, working hours and conditions, overtime payments, holidays, vacations, benefits, etc.) and procedures for dispute resolution.
Commerce Business Daily
Congressional Budget Office
Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities
Central repository of all companies and agencies currently performing or seeking to perform business with the federal government.
Contract Discrepancy Report
Contractor Furnished Materials
Code of Federal Regulations: The codification of the general and permanent rules and regulations published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the federal government of the United States. The CFR is divided into 50 titles that represent broad areas subject to federal regulation.
Competition in Contracting Act
Commercial Item Description
Cleaning Industry Management Standard — Green Building certification
Contract Line Item Number - specific line in contract pricing schedule identifying separate price or funding for contract requirements.
Central Nonprofit Agency: There are two Central Nonprofit Agencies designated by the U.S. AbilityOne Commission. National Industries for the Blind (NIB) represents nonprofit agencies for the blind, and SourceAmerica (formerly NISH) represents nonprofit agencies employing persons with other severe disabilities.
AbilityOne Program funding fee that is the primary source of funding for CNAs (NIB and SourceAmerica).
Contracting Officer (civilian agencies)
Certificate of Competency/Certificate of Compliance
Certificate of Conformance
Contractor Owned-Contractor Operated
Certificate of Destruction
Commensurate Wages
Wages based on the worker's individual productivity, no matter how limited, in proportion to the wage and quantity of work performed in the same job in the geographic area from which the labor force of the community is drawn.
Commensurate Wage— Products
• The Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act (PCA), as amended, establishes minimum wage, maximum hours, and safety and health standards for work on contracts in excess of $15,000 for the manufacturing or furnishing of materials, supplies, articles, or equipment to the U.S. government or the District of Columbia. All provisions of the PCA are administered by the Wage and Hour Division except the safety and health requirements, which are administered by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). • Covered workers must be paid not less than the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) federal minimum wage and overtime pay of at least one and one-half times the worker's regular rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of 40 in a workweek. • Federal Contractors with Fair Labor Standards Act 14c Certificates can pay sub-minimum wage if they hold a current certificate and meet all requirements of 29 CFR Part 525 Section 14c of the Fair Labor Standards Act. • The contractor must display copies of the Service Contract Act/Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act Poster during the period that covered work is being performed on the contract.
Commensurate Wage— Services
• For Service Contract Act (SCA) covered work, the range for the commensurate wage is typically the minimum established by Executive Order (the floor) and the prevailing wage for that position listed in the Wage Determination Rate for the county where the work is performed. SCA covered work is compensated well in excess of the current federal minimum wage. In some cases, the NPA must also consider the applicability of Collective Bargaining Agreement wages and Davis- Bacon regulations. SourceAmerica suggests members confer with their local, or federal Department of Labor representatives to address any questions regarding compliance. • The McNamara-O'Hara Service Contract Act requires contractors and subcontractors performing services on prime contracts in excess of $2,500 to pay service employees in various classes no less than the wage rates and fringe benefits found prevailing in the locality, or the rates (including prospective increases) contained in a predecessor contractor's collective bargaining agreement. The Department of Labor issues wage determinations on a contract-by-contract basis in response to specific requests from contracting agencies. These determinations are incorporated into the contract. • For contracts equal to or less than $2,500, contractors are required to pay the federal minimum wage as provided in Section 6(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act. • For prime contracts in excess of $100,000, contractors and subcontractors must also, under the provisions of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, as amended, pay laborers and mechanics, including guards and watchmen, at least one and one-half times their regular rate of pay for all hours worked over 40 in a workweek. The overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act may also apply to SCA-covered contracts. • Federal Contractors with Fair Labor Standards Act 14c Certificates can pay sub- minimum wage if they hold a current certificate and meet all requirements of 29 CFR Part 525 Section 14c of the Fair Labor Standards Act however, the commensurate wages cannot be lower than the current Executive Order 13658— Establishing a Minimum Wage for Federal Contract Workers rate.
Commercial Item
As defined in FAR 2.101, "commercial item" means: (1) Any item, other than real property, that is of a type customarily used by the general public or by non- governmental entities for purposes other than governmental purposes, and (i) Has been sold, leased or licensed to the general public; or (ii) Has been offered for sale, lease or license to the general public.
Competitive Employment
Competitive employment is work that is performed on either a full- or part-time basis in which individuals are compensated for their work. The compensation paid must be at or above the set minimum wage, but not less than the wages paid to individuals who are not disabled and performing work that is the same or similar.
Competitive Integrated Employment
Work that—
(i) Is performed on a full-time or part-time basis (including self-employment) and for which an individual is compensated at a rate that—
(A) Is not less than the higher of the rate specified in section 6(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. 206(a)(1)) or the rate required under the applicable State or local minimum wage law for the place of employment;
(B) Is not less than the customary rate paid by the employer for the same or similar work performed by other employees who are not individuals with disabilities and who are similarly situated in similar occupations by the same employer and who have similar training, experience, and skills; and
(C) In the case of an individual who is self-employed, yields an income that is comparable to the income received by other individuals who are not individuals with disabilities and who are self-employed in similar occupations or on similar tasks and who have similar training, experience, and skills; and
(D) Is eligible for the level of benefits provided to other employees; and
(ii) Is at a location—
(A) Typically found in the community; and
(B) Where the employee with a disability interacts for the purpose of performing the duties of the position with other employees within the particular work unit and the entire work site, and, as appropriate to the work performed, other persons (e.g., customers and vendors), who are not individuals with disabilities (not including supervisory personnel or individuals who are providing services to such employee) to the same extent that employees who are not individuals with disabilities and who are in comparable positions interact with these persons; and
(iii) Presents, as appropriate, opportunities for advancement that are similar to those for other employees who are not individuals with disabilities and who have similar positions. (Authority: Sections 7(5) and 12(c) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; 29
U.S.C. 705(5) and 709(c)).
Conflict of Interest
A real or apparent inconsistency between one's personal interest in a matter and one's official, positional responsibility to carry out duties with impartiality. (U.S. AbilityOne Commission Policy 51.301)
Contract Consolidation
Multiple contracts in multiple locations or different services are combined into one contract; formerly called "bundling".
Contracting Activity (CA)
Any element of an entity of the Government that has responsibility for identifying and/or procuring Government requirements for commodities or services. Components of a contracting activity, such as a contracting office and an ordering office, are incorporated in this definition, which includes all offices within the definitions of "Contracting Activity," "Contracting Office," and "Contract Administration Office contained in the Federal Acquisition Regulation, 48 CFR 2.101. (48 CFR 2.101)
Contracting Out (See A-76)
Government initiative to contract out services, rather than performing the tasks in-house by government employees.
Contractor Code of Business Ethics and Conduct
Requires a contractor must have a written code of business ethics and conduct in place within thirty days of the award of any contract exceeding $5 million.
Cooperative Agreement (CA)
Agreement entered into by and between the Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled, operating as the U.S. AbilityOne Commission "Commission"and authorized Central Nonprofit Agencies for the purpose of establishing the governing relationship and roles and responsibilities of each party in its respective role within the AbilityOne Program.
Contracting Officer's Representative
Contracting Office Technical Representative
Cost Reimbursable Contract (sometimes called a cost-plus contract) is one in which the contractor is reimbursed the actual costs they incur in carrying out the work, plus an additional fee.
Community Rehabilitation Program: Terminology used in the Rehabilitation Act. CRPs are organizations that perform services or produce products with Contracting Activities that require a specific product or service. Term currently preferred is NPA.
Congressional Research Service
Commissary Shelf Stocking
Calendar Year